Just another stealth tax
The bottom line.
All tax is illegal because you never agreed to pay it. If you knew that you had agreed to pay all the tax and the duty and the vat: You would be saying to yourself "When did I Do that" Exactly when did you agree to that. A term of parliament is only 4 years so you must have signed an agreement within the last four years. All 67.5 million of us:
That must have been a big event somewhere that nobody went to and nobody saw the advertising for. Don't remember hearing the town crier shouting across the town every four years "Come Yee and sign the forms or the poor politicians will go hungry" Never happens does it.
If you did not agree to let the government take the money out of your pocket without a bill of exchange then it must be illegal and it is. It's illegal which is not legal and not lawful which means it's against the law. If it is against the law and they do it anyway then that is fraud as well. So every time a cash register rings and there is a VAT receipt that's fraud as well. But if you don't know its fraud then you are not going to get upset about it.
Well here is something to get upset about. When you add up all the instances of tax the Tax man takes 85%. That's correct 85% of everything. That leaves 15% for you to live on and by food and heating and clothes and everything you need to live comes out of that little 15%. And that must be OK Because the government said so. Well the government must need this much money to pay for everything and everything is so expensive these days.
Ok so the government pay for a school and the teachers and the books and the power and everything for that school it costs a small fortune. But all that activity, the very process of having that school in our daily lives, The government take 85% back in tax. So it only cost the government 15%. What happened to the other 85%. Everything the government pay for they get 85% back in tax. So what happened to the 85%?????? Whose sky rocket did that end up in?
So let's do a reverse think on this. If you go out and buy a new car it would cost you say £20K. If you got 85% back then the car would have cost you say £3K Now that is the actual cost of the car without all the Tax. Now because you cannot afford to pay £20K in one go you need a finance deal from a finance company to extend you a loan for the car. This finance loan is paid off over 5 years with interest and the car actually cost you say £30K to £35K and the tax man takes 85% of this as well. So a car that cost £3K you have paid £35K for out of your 15%. Not a bad deal for the tax man who did nothing to earn that £32K.
Are you still wondering why the cost of living in this country is so high?
But we have to pay the Tax it is the LAW. IS IT The LAW that you have to pay tax? If there was a law that said you had to pay tax, for which you clearly get nothing back for then isn't that a form of slavery???? Yes it would be but there is no such law, you find it and you suddenly realise that it is not LAW but an Act of Parliament and that is an Act not a Law, So what is the difference. Act's of parliament are not laws, they are not called laws. They have never been laws. Act's and statutes of Parliament are legislative rules or company policy.
Black's LAW Dictionary gives a legal definition of statute. What is legal? Well legal is a legal agreement Not a law. From this Black's law dictionary we can observe from the legal definition that a statute is a legislative rule, given force of law by the consent of the governed. Well who is the governed? Is that you and does it apply to you and why or why not. Well you must be the governed if you elected a prime minister in to government.
But there is a legal dependency there which is a mandatory governing factor of the legal condition which must be satisfied before the Act's and statutes can be given force of law and "that is the consent of the governed" So when was there a big signing of the consent forms down at the town hall. When did you go? You must have signed this consent form every four years otherwise for the government to impose a tax is illegal.
Ho Yay, Ho Yay, Ho Yay, Everybody must go down to the local town hall immediately and sign the consent forms so that the government are not guilty of fraud and they can tax you out of house and home.
It can't be that simple. Well yes it is. Whilst you are running around like a headless chicken trying to make ends meet do you have time to read the Back's LAW dictionary and study law. No you did not. Do the teachers teach law in schools? No they do not it is not on the curriculum which is dictated by the government.
Well all the lawyers must know about this. Well no they don't it's not on the curriculum at the university. Baron David Ward sat down round a barrister's dining room table having gone to a great deal of trouble to get himself into the position where he could voice the legal argument.
If you have ever seen a barrister with his mouth open and the eyes rolling back in his head then David could tell you that this is a sight to behold. After the defining silence, which he extended as long as humanly possible, without blowing a gasket: This was after a heated debate between a Barrister and a computer engineer round his dining room table and David had just embarrassed him in his own field of expertise. And he can assure you the barrister did not take kindly to the embarrassment. David broke the defining silence by asking a simple question which was "Do you understand what I just said" His answer astonished him almost out of his chair. He said "Yes I understand implicitly I never thought of it before" So the answer is the lawyer and the barristers do not understand so will the police and the bailiffs know this? What about the traffic warden do you think he/she knows this? No they do not.
Would anybody else actually listen to this it is obscene it is that simple. How can 67.5 million people overlook this, it must be David that is insane. I don't thinks so. For things to be different means that we live in a complete state of tyranny. But we don't live in a complete state of tyranny we live in a complete state of contrived ignorance of the fact. For that you can thank the Dick Turpin Parliament and governments PLC Company who control the education authorities through legislation which is given force of law by the consent of the governed. Oooops when did you give your consent?? This is a mandatory legal dependency. Without which none of the legislation can be acted upon.
So what can we do? The Judiciary is a sub office of the Dick Turpin Parliaments and governments PLC office so no hope there then we cannot fight this in their courts, the courts are there to enforce the company policy and they are the judges. Or are they actually judges? Well no they are not they are policy enforcement officers. Under article 45 of the Great charter which was given the royal seal of approval by King John. It is we that will elect into the position of Judge, Magistrate, Bailiff, Marshal, Sheriff, Constable all those that understand the law and wish to mind it well. That's we the Barons. And we the Barons have not elected any of these public servants so they are not Judges, Magistrates, Bailiffs, Marshals, Sheriffs and Constables they are nothing more than the Dick Turpin extortionists.
This is the way it is, and was validated by none other than the Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Justice, Sir Jack Beatson FBA During his speech at the Nottingham and Trent University Law school in 2008 and that speech is posted in the public domain on the Judiciary.gov.uk very own website which is validation by source. I wrote a document on this very subject which cannot be contested unless you can contest the very word of the Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Justice, Sir Jack Beatson FBA himself. That speech stands as a public confession if there ever was one. This is the way it is. So what can we do?
So what can we do? Let's look at the very simple and incontestable facts. The Dick Turpin Parliaments and governments PLC Company has a very real financial dependency on your money in the form of tax. Without your money this company will crumble and fall in a matter of weeks. When this company folds all the fake Courts and Judges go with it. Job done: It is that simple. The cost of living in this country will drop by 85% because this is all tax.
What are the financial advantages? Well the cost of a tank of fuel will drop from £60-£70 to less than £10. Do the math. The cost of a £100K house will drop to £15K do the math. The Cost of a loaf of bread will drop from £1 to 15p do the math. The cost of living in this country will drop by 85% which is by the way around 92%, now do the math it is not that hard. Stop paying the Dick Turpin Company and you will only have to work half a day with no losses do the Math. Now how much of an incentive do you need? Do the Math.
What can they do about it? Send you a court summons for the non payment of a tax that you have not given your consent to. It's not a summons; The Dick Turpin Co PLC cannot summon you without your consent. Don't go. What can they do? The Liability order from the court has never been signed in wet ink, it is not legal. Who cares!!! Not legal is illegal, is against the law. Wake up the neighbourhood watch we out number them 1000 to 1 what are they going to do.
If you want a future for your children then it is you that must take action and that is the bottom line. It is all up to you and nobody else. That is the bottom line.

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