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How to return only the filename from $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in php

return only the filename of the page on the server without the directory listing as well.

how to create a date array in php which come up with todays date selected

I want to create a date drop down box which uses an array to fill the dates and when shown shows todays date. Solved click for the answer

how to stop a form submitting when you press enter php

how to stop a form submitting when you press enter php

$_post $var - how to post as a variable

if you want php to come through as a variable this is a nice simple way of doing it.

how to make first letter only captial using php.

how to make first letter only captial using php.

How to prevent a form from submitting on page refresh?

How to prevent a form from submitting on page refresh?Does your form keep submitting when you press refresh and you only want it to submit when a button is pressed

how to add a comma or space in a get statement

you want to add a comma into your get statement when you post a form or click a link this is how you do it

Create a file to upload pictures or files in php

Easy to use and copy file that allows people to upload pictures to your server.

Delete Remove a file from your sever using php

If you want this easy to follow code that works to remove a file using php click her

How to return only part of a feild from database using php substr but to take into account spaces

you want your page to only show part of text but not cut off a word

php date format, simple php script to show todays date

Php date used to show todays date on the web page






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