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Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange


Promissory notes and bills of exchange

All forms of cash ie money are the same, whether you call them bills of exchange, promissory note, cheque, banknote, financial instruments, gyros, government bonds, corporate bonds or any other form of cash. All loans are fraudulent. debt is money, money is debt. Many walk around blindly every day yet don't have a clue to where their cash comes from, who creates it, how it is created and who is the true credit holder and who is the true banker.

The contract is between two parties, the drawer or maker, ie the person creating the promissory note or bills of exchange and the payee, the one receiving it. Any third party is a trustee only. They are all codified under the Bills of exchange act 1882 which was developed and interpreted by the courts and the high court ruling of Lord Denning.

The use of bills of exchange promissory notes

Historically only the promissory note which now known as financial instruments were used as a method of financing and to supporting all types of funding.

Which was all domestically and for international cross-border trade

Nowadays bills of exchange and promissory notes include a lot more financial instruments which are now created in many different ways and are also used for cross-border financing but still can be used by anyone who fully understand the bills of exchange in all countries.

Bills of exchange promissory notes i.e financial instrument commercial instruments, legal or lawful tender are not independent as these are all seen as note cash, as the bills of exchange the promissory note and bank notes, gyros, cheque including all the legal documents all types are all instruments that you alone sign and date. Then the company or employer tells you this a contract. It is not so, this is in fact a financial instrument, a promissory note, which is a bills of exchange as everything come from the original promissory note before this it was known as a iou this is an important characteristic of these many many different types of financial instruments out there. a contract must by law have three parties within it. 1 you 2 the agent 3 and a witness to the agreement of the signing freely of the contract This then becomes binding in law this is the law of the land under the bills of exchange if there are other instruments such as purchase agreements or other underlying transactions, they are generally always accepted, unless there is a mistake made on the instrument. Only then can the drawee send it back to the maker and request he or she correct the mistake, but the bill, meaning, note or to whom the bill made out to for the payment cannot refuse by the draw-in or the payee if they want to be paid in cash they must accept the promissory note as clearly stated within the law on the bills of exchange 1881 india and 1882 england. If they want full payment or whatever payment is agreed upon between the main two parties, the drawer and payee, the one wanting payment, the other the draw maker, creates the instrument to be discharged to the party to whom it is payable to. As an example, in the case of a buyer wanting to buy goods or property from a seller with the intention of paying in six months or in full payment upon demand the purchase agreement will lay between the buyer and the seller and not the bank or the drawee who are public servants within the banking office are all bound to the bills of exchange. Any bank worker not doing so is therefore taking full personal and commercial liability upon themselves to break their constitutional laws of the land they are bound to this. The Bank Of England is therefore creating a tortious act by their own hands and a mission with intent, in other words a drawee cannot say we don't accept this or this is not a form of payment we can accept. He or she has no authority or any powers to do so the contract is not with the bank worker who is merely just your employee as a drawee only. It does not matter what titles they hold, they are all drawees. Promissory notes and bills of exchange. Bills of exchange and promissory notes are not independent payment undertakings debt obligations from one person to another they are codified under the bills of exchange act 1882. which were developed and interpreted by courts as clearly stated high court judge lord denning. The use of bills of exchange promissory notes historically the iou, then the promissory note is a bills of exchange which is a financial instruments were used as a method of financing and to support financing both domestically and for international cross-border trade. Although nowadays bills of exchange and promissory notes are mainly used for cross-border financing and also in your own country especially England as this was the birthplace of all good laws laws the bills of exchange comes in many forms It is all cash ie money. Bills of exchange and promissory notes are not independent as many have been led to believe. This is an important characteristic of these financial instruments. If they are on other instruments such as purchase agreements or other underlying transactions they are generally accepted as a payment in full. Therefore you sign and date this is the instrument that is a promissory a note that releases the full funds to the seller payee account, as an example in the case of a buyer wanting to buy any goods/property/s from a seller with the intention of paying in six months or in full payment. The purchase agreement will only lay between the buyer and the seller and not the drawee, the bank workers, the estate agents nor their solicitors. But all bank workers are your employees, it is your money that is paying them. You are their employer, therefore these are your fiduciary (someone that takes care of money or assets on behalf of another person) trustee acting as a servant in your public office as the bank is a public office this is a 100% fact. Not many know this let alone understand it. The buyer will agree to pay part or full payment through a bill of exchange which can be guaranteed by a bank the draw either they will pass the part payment or the full payment to the seller payee account it is all the bank drawee is allowed to do they cannot interfere not stop that transaction between the the seller and buyer nor can they refuse the bills of exchange as the bills of exchange is cash, as clearly stated on the bills of exchange and by the lord denning judgement that says a bill of exchange lord denning judgement that says a bill of exchange one standard signature execute the instrument has to be in this england court that a bill of exchange a promissory note is to be treated as cash in this case a seller payee would arrange for the goods to be delivered or release the property to the buyer and the buyer slash draw slash maker of the bill would then draw a bill on the bank drawee to accept this honorably discharge the part or full payment to the seller payee or he or she can be in dishonour then by stopping this transaction is therefore interfering with the seller and buyer this then constitutes a tort plus treason and also willfully with intent committing fraud and any document they do is then brings this also into uttering laws by doing so the bank drawee will incur primary full personal and commercial liability of that exchange which is in favor of the seller payee to receive in part like paying in six months or in full payment to seller pe of his or her account all the bank can do is transfer it to the right seller pe account they cannot stop this transaction from one party to another they do not have any powers or authority to do so be mindful in what you do to another always a bank cannot give you credit as it has none the bank merely hold asset trust funds cash for safe keepings it all it can do it cannot lend you anything as it has nothing to loan you there true credit holder is the draw the maker of the note i.t promissory note this bill is then used to access the trust of the draw the make he or she has under the cest ue cave i trust as clearly stated on the bank of england web page the keywords are note and trust as the draw has many different trust in his or her name name and name with many many numbers attached to him or her alone the who has only three things to do within our banks offices these are duties responsibilities and obligations are that they pass on the payment s to the seller account that it or not doing so is then breach of their office they hold as a servant slash fiduciary trustee as clearly seen from the illustration it shows clearly who's actually who and who does what the three banks slash draw e acceptor cannot give you any credit as it has none there bank cannot loan nor lend you anything as it has nothing to loan or lend to you this is 100 facts only the man woman who hold all credit and do hold full unlimited credit as they can contract with anyone unlimited this is also a 100 fact as they are the creator of all the credit and are the only true credit holders of their private credit to their own private trust there are then in fact the creditors who are the beneficiary of the threat our own private trust and all the trust accounts they each all hold without the man woman there would be no credit what is the one thing these other societies want from you to sign what think about it carefully all securities only lay with the draw slash maker slash creators slash of all types of credit that the seller payee seeks this payment upon the agreement with the draw maker it is not with the bank nor the workers within the bank offices as drawee one so that the seller one payee wants to sell something as in property this can be anything a pencil to land house horse car bike washing machine cloths whatever their property is of the seller who wishes to sell as he or she needs or want this cash to which they have the full rights to do so by the laws of banking the one seller payee with the two draw slash maker can contract with each other as many times as they wish to and their three draw e must obey and must fulfill his or her duty or be in breach of their duties and office thereby taking full personal and commercial liability upon themselves by stopping or interfering between the two parties to their original agreement that their three draw e has no say as the agreement contract was not with three drawee 2 the buyer 2. draw who wishes to buy the property from the seller 1. payee once they both agree that they will accept this substance for value for value exchange there substance is the promissory note i dot e cash the seller agreed to accept this as part or full payment then as the contract is only between the seller and the buyer the payee and the draw and not the drawee the draw can pass the instrument to the payee who then endorse signing it's tendering the bill the back of the instrument like one signs a check and then hand it to the drawee bank who then put the instrument into the seller payee account and cash is available there and then to the seller payee but this is not needed a simple letter stating that yoshida seller payee will accept the part or full payment on this instrument prints their name and signs it this is enough to send with the instrument to the three draw e the bank must release the part or full funds into the one seller payee account on with the seller agreement there two draw can post instrument to the bank to be paid into the one seller payee account the three draw e must do this or face a torte action lawsuit the bank of england is a public office therefore all banks worldwide is all our banks the people banks this is a public office all who work within it are mere drawee only acting as servant slash fiduciary trustee but most bank works now are corporate men and women who are not allowed to be in any of our civil and public offices 100 fact 3 the bank who is 3 drawee must accept this instrument and must pass on the payment part or in full from the buyer who is the draw maker of the instrument who hold who is the bearer of the bill has full substance and value as he or she is the beneficiary of his or her trust accounts this must be passed on to the seller who is the payee account it's that simple really as all are bound to the bills of exchange boe definitions all types of instruments contain an unconditional order in respect to bills of exchange or an unconditional promise or on demand pn in respect to promissory notes banknotes as per the bills of exchange act 1882 the definitions are follows bill of exchange 1881-1882 a bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing draw maker addressed by one person to another payee seller signed by the person giving it draw maker requiring the person to whom it is addressed to payee seller to pay on demand pn or at a fixed or determinable future time a some certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer great britain 1882 bills of exchange act 1882 the instrument must have a penny stamp as stated in the stamp duty 1891 section 34 sub second one the bearer can be yourself so paying yourself or paying it to another person even gifting it to another person who then becomes the bearer of the bill meaning there seller payee only the maker the beneficiary hold this full titles and everything within it as he or she are the only one who can release the funds slash assets slash cash slash i dotty money because they hold full unlimited credit as they are the only one who can create this credit and are the only true credit holder promissory notes a promissory note is an unconditional promise not subject to any conditions of any societies other than in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a some certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer bills of exchange acts 1882 part four the bearer can be yourself or to the payee who now holds the instrument you are accessing your trust and paying yourself or your accessing your trust to pay the payee all instruments are generally subject to same core requirements instrument must contain an unconditional order or promise demand respectively must be in writing filled out the correct area and then sign and date the instrument must be addressed by one person to another person or company must be signed by the draw maker the person making the order or promise demand that the payee must be paid and discharge the amount clearly stated on the instrument within their 72 hours if they bank draw e dose not do this then it becomes fully labial for the full amount upon the instruments this must be returned into cash into the draw maker and creator of the bill into his or her account or pass it to the seller pe account what the bank draw e cannot do is keep the instrument cannot send it back unless there is a spelling mistake or the penny stamp duty is not on it or there is no signature that the instruments must be tendered by the draw maker of the bill nor can they refuse the instrument instrument does require the draw or the maker to pay to the payee clearly stated on there instrument the bills of exchange promissory not all instruments must all define the payment terms through the order or the promise slash demand it must be made either when requested required on demanded or at a fixed future time and the sum of money must be disclosed and who it's payable to and when to release the full fund to the payee the drawee must not withhold this as they are in breach of their fiduciary trustee duties obligations and responsibilities of the public servant they each hold as a drawee in all bank worldwide promissory notes bills of exchange and all instrument are all one and the same thing cash i.t money this holds substance and value one dot unconditional order of promise demand if the promissory note bills of exchange is unconditional then such as being able to release securities or just a simple iou will be considered as a promissory note which is the bills of exchange because the promissory note comes from the iou same as the banknotes only come from the promissory note and the bills of exchange comes from the promissory note the iou there would be no banknotes as the blueprint for this is the promissory note in fact there promissory note hold more substance and value than a banknote bank's notes are all printed of a printing machine the promissory note must be filled out by a man or woman hands and signed and dated this is then tendering the bill and to how much to whom the payment is for it's how all cash bank notes are created then we are therefore trading with each other meaning we are contracting we do not contract with servants slash fiduciary trustee these are our employees we hire them under the bills of exchange they are all bound to this constitutional law of the land therefore all employees of ours must show proof of their oaths of offices they took to hold this public officers are doctors or mp or any royals that want to enter our head of state office becomes a servant slash fiduciary trustee in our office and they all take direction order from us as we are there government and we govern all of them under this bill of exchange and taught laws 7 principle of public office one dot in writing and signing by the draw boe the maker pn with various means of electronic communications for example emails rather than paper documents the electronic communications act 2000 now means that a promissory note or bill of exchange could potentially satisfy a paper-based signature previously electronic signatures could be used for bills of exchange and promissory notes in accordance with the 1882 act however in many jurisdictions the original document is required therefore electronic signatures may be deemed invalid this is often problematic when these instruments are transferred to other parties and documenting this way one dot time for payment as mentioned earlier the time for payment can be defined as a future point in time or on demand however when the event is indeterminable or uncertain for example payment when a political situation occurs it's often to consider the instrument as a promissory note as everything is a promissory note that you alone sign and date as the draw the maker the true credit holder one dot some certain the amount due should be very clear even if there is interest rate charged which is perfectly acceptable in bills of exchange promissory notes providing the interest rate is fixed or ascertainable rather than x percent above liber it's often seen as unclear because it all fraud this liber meanings the basic rate of interest used in lending between banks on the london interbank market and also used as a reference for setting the interest rate on all types of other loans one dot governing law and jurisdiction the governing law that applies to all chain between draws i dot e maker acceptors i.t draw e and endorses i dot e payee can often be fairly complex to start with when there are chains the chain of contracts depends on the nature of the two parties the draw and payee only the instruments and location of parties the validity of such contracts needs to be valid in each local jurisdiction when dealing with trust cash money funds assets wealth please always refer back to the bills of exchange if in doubt it really does not matter where you live upon this earth nor in which country wherever there is a bank there are all bound by the bills of exchange it's the laws law this is what govern everyone as everyone has their own true status in law then as clearly stated in all the above above and below frequently asked questions can i negotiate or transfer bills of exchange or promissory notes yes all instruments by law has to be transferred or negotiable or non-negotiable instruments promissory notes bills of exchange checks banknotes gyros many forms of payments as instruments between the two parties involved or even to oneself payments can be made into your own account able to transfer the rights or title of these instruments to other parties the payee a holder payee can receive a bill becomes the bearer of the bill providing they become a holder before it's overdue upon demand there is no date set it's open he or she can cash that there and then or pay themselves by putting in the instrument a few days later or whenever they have time to do so if in good faith the title of that bill this includes the acceptor bank slash draw e draw buyer maker or endorser seller slash payee how does delivery work in order to complete the contract under a bill of exchange promissory note delivery must take place delivery can mean actual or constructive or registered post by royal mail or a private post company an acceptor drawee must accept liability and endorsement of the instrument whereby the seller payee signs the back of the instrument or send a document stating he or she accept this instrument as full payment once delivered in order for the contract of the endorsement by the payee must be in writing and signed or by the endorser payee written on back of the instrument tendering the bill meaning signing it to the full amount of the instrument or payee seller who can also write out stating that he or she accept the instrument as full payment this then endorsement can be with or without recourse see our article on recourse and non-recourse payments around forfeiting look at the meaning of the word recourse and non-recourse and also forfeiting only then will you know for yourself how does payment happen generally the acceptor draw e make a draw of bills of exchange promissory notes respectively are liable to make payment to the seller payee once presentation of the instrument occurs drawee must pass on the full payment or can be made to a person acting on behalf of the holder for example a collecting bank or the draw can pay him slasher self providing the holder treats such payment as discharging the payer's draw maker of the liability of the person to be paid in full sella payee or to him slash her slash self because you are the beneficiary of your own private trust therefore it's your funds and your cash that you can move around to any one of your accounts if you have more than one or many accounts or can also make a gift to someone else but the drawee must pay this into whoever it is to be paid to the name upon the bill to whom it is to be paid to the drawee cannot say who can and who cannot receive this cash or that they don't accept this or that they don't see it is a payment of funds this instruments that is bound by the boe the draw he has willfully with intent committed a tortious act breach of the office meaning of endorser it's to declare that you agreed to sign meaning tendering the bill a cheque or bill of exchange promissory note on the back to make it payable to one self-stated or to draw e to accept responsibility for paying it forwards that clearly states to who the instrument to be discharged to one hopes this simple explanation will help you fully understand to what a bank note is which is new printed promissory note which is made by the drawer on the original promissory note and only then do the banknote come into existence everything comes from there original promissory note the bills of exchange to what other types of instruments are out there are all still connected to the bills of exchanger promissory note the mere fact remains that england been bankrupt since public was notified in the year 1931 and all banks worldwide are all bankrupt therefore all bank are all operating under the bills of exchange worldwide all this information has been withheld and suppressed from everyone





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Buyer says the item has not arrived - where is my item

You sent the item two weeks ago and now the buyer is saying they have not got the item. What should you do. You have proof of posting.

SCAM 3 - Buyer Requests Shipping to Different Address

SCAM 3 - Buyer Requests Shipping to Different Address

EBAY SCAM 3 - Buyer Requests Shipping to Different Address

EBAY SCAM 3 - Buyer Requests Shipping to Different Address

EBAY SCAM 4 - Blame The Shipper For Damaged Item

SCAM 4 - Blame The Shipper For Damaged Item A scammer will have a broken or damaged item that he wants replaced for free. The scammer will search for an eBay seller selling exactly the same item an

ebay fraud what can you do

Someone said that if a seller is ripped off on ebay, they should suck it up and see, tough luck. Mmm how to encourage more people rip you off. Their response was just add more on the next item to ma

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how to copy any image photo picture from the net online, without using right click or copy paste

How to avoid paying ebay postage fees

Ebay uk are now charging you for postage fee. they charge 10% of all postage fees. This means most of the time you have to pass this onto the buyer. which makes your item not as attractive. Can yo

Printable Bias Binding Maker.

Easy to use and make bias binding maker

PayPal View Cart Text Link - how to create a text link to paypal cart

do you need for coding of a PayPal View Cart text link instead of a button.

PayPal View Cart Text Link - how to create a text link to paypal cart

do you need for coding of a PayPal View Cart text link instead of a button.

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is this just one of the best feelings in the world

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back magic instructions

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how to make sure facebook picks up the correct picture from a website

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This very simple method will have your children clamouring for fruit every day

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Do you want to have a little fun with your images, or just move them around turning them upside down is fun and easy to do

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what are the benefits to going wheat free and how could you do it.

I created this page to help anyone who has psoriasis to get rid of it completely

You no longer have to live with psoriasis. You can cure it simply and easily.

The only cough remedy that really works

After a week of trying everything available for my little girls cough, last night I made a little concoction that actually gives her 4-6 hours of cough free relief allowing her little body to help rep

Hay fever cured by diet

Can you cure hayfever by diet alone. Yes is the categorical answer here.

How to stop videos playing automatically in chrome

How to stop videos playing automatically in chrome

The Number one diet tip - read this and you will never overeat again

lose weight so quickly and easily using this simple method. Its free.

How to force a file to download simple

If when a user clicks a link you want to force a file to download use this very simple tool

How to find your others messages in facebook links for mobile and web

Access your Facebook Other Inbox if you are looking for direct links to find your lost messages click here we have them for mobile and pc

How to get customers to open your email

Email subject lines are a form of headline. They perform the same function as a headline by attracting attention and getting your email content a chance to be read. You want your potential customer t

Modifying MS Word .dotm template

One of the greatest unanswered questions of all time will inevitably go down in history as: "Why did Microsoft change the template of MS Word to Calibri 11 with extra spacing and multiple l

How to cure earache quickly and easily

my daughter suffered horrendously with ear infections. She burst her ear drums twice and for about 8 months was constantly on antibiotics. But felt it was not right to keep putting her on them again,

Drop down list of towns and cities in England

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The secret to becoming a property investor with just 1000 report

Ever fancied investing in a buy-to-let property, but cannot afford to do it on your own? This amazing report will show you how you can invest in a property and reap all the rewards with a minimum i

How to stop posts from facebook groups showing in my timeline.

How to stop posts from facebook groups showing in my timeline.

Getting dressed quickly chart- star chart really works my daughter beat the timer by 6 minutes

Getting dressed quickly chart- star chart really works my daughter beat the timer by 6 minutesFor once there was no shouting, no cajoling from me for her to get dressed.....

How to hide a referring url, with javascript php css href

How to hide a referring url in one easy step

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to stretch an image across a whole cell of a table is very simple lots of people try and tell you that this can't be done but actually it is very easy.

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how to make sure that the visited link of an a link remains the same colour without specifying the color

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It seems as though Facebook is caching old values of my meta tags. .... It won't refresh even if you delete the thumnail/image from your serve

How to get your child into rainbows brownies guiding scouts beavers when there is a waiting list

How to quickly and easily bypass the scout/guiding waiting list

Selling phone and laptops on ebay/amazon without being scammed

There seems to be more and more people trying to scam honest sellers on amazon and ebay especially with phones and laptops buyers saying they received something else instead of the item.

The secret to getting your kids dressed in 5 minutes or less in the morning

After years of struggling every morning and sometimes shouting and screaming just to get my daughter ready for school in time, eventually we seem to have hit on the one thing that works.

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I wanted to return from the database all items that were time stamped today using the now() function. But needed to trim both the time stamp and the now.

Create a file to upload pictures or files in php

Easy to use and copy file that allows people to upload pictures to your server.

Delete Remove a file from your sever using php

If you want this easy to follow code that works to remove a file using php click her

How to make money from your website by doing very little

How to make money from your website by doing very little.

Ebay calculator - Did you really make any money on your ebay items.

Ebay is a great place for selling items, but now that they charge for selling the item and postage. Add on top of that the paypal fee quite often sellers are actually left out of pocket rather than m

How to stop bank scammers over the phone quickly and easily

This one little trick will stop all bank scammers trying to get your details over the phone. Share this with everyone you know to stop them being scammed.

Even Crap sells

If someone can sell a paper Olympic torch for £ 45 which cost about 50p to make then anyone can sell anything

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 appearing in your page and you don't know where it has come from.

this is quite an easy fix.

How to get rid of Unanswered question message in ebay?

How to get rid of Unanswered question message?

How annoying is it when you get that red unanswered question on an ebay item? We have the solution here ...

Where do you sew brownie badges? Where do brownie badges go?

Your little brownie will get lots of badges over her term at brownies. A question we get asked a lot as leaders is where the badges should be sewn on...

How to return only part of a feild from database using php substr but to take into account spaces

you want your page to only show part of text but not cut off a word

whole30 challenge my own experience.

Having psoriasis and being overweight and feeling bloated and sluggish all the time, I wanted to change both my body and my mind. I hoped this might do it. Follow my story here....

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how to count how many records of a field are in a database

How to remove inspyware from your laptop

inspyware removal easy no downloads or scans click here to quickly stop this from happening on all browsers

Enable the hidden admin on windows 10

HOW TO: Enable the built-in Administrator account in Windows 10

How to block any website from opening in microsoft edge (or any other browser)

if you need to block a website from ever opening in any browser this simple trick will do it every time. spam text email mob 07494431073

If you have received a message from this number and asking you to pay and logon to this is a scam ignore.

How to find an ebay sellers items, all items a seller is selling on ebay

If you are looking to find all the items someone is selling on ebay you know the id but the items are not showing on ebay this link will show all.

can you download your ebay listings into an excel spreadsheet

You don't need any special tools to download your ebay listings ebay allows you to do this using there website.

Help my boyfriend wants me to send a naked picture

Help my boyfriend wants me to send a naked pic.

6 weeks to achieve your goal chart.

6 weeks to achieve your goal chart. Sometimes we have too many things going on in our heads that we dont have time to focus on what is really important. The 6 week goal planner, sets out your goal

Easy and simple way to cut foam using something you already have in the house

If you have a large piece of foam that you want to cut up this is the simple and easy way to do it.

Parking charge Notice by private car parks not council.

Parking charge Notice by private car parks not council. if you have received a PCN from a private car parking company read on.

Deregister letter for school for England. How to deregister your child from school

Online template to deregister your child from school. Complete the form and press submit then print your deregister letter for your child to deregister your child from school.

Invest in a property from just £10

Property investment from £10

How do you stop people following you on Twitter without blocking them?

How do you stop people following you on Twitter without blocking them?

How to mute keywords in twitter and hide them from your timeline

How to mute keywords in twitter and hide them from your timeline

How to protect yourself easily from covid

How to protect yourself easily from covid

How to stop paying your Council Tax

It is so easy to stop paying council tax and there is nothing they can do about it. Follow these simple steps and you will be free of the sponging parasistes

How to get more customers

The number one way to get more customers that will explode like wildfire, is to get your ....

Covid Questions - Just my musings about covid

So many questions where do we even begin.

What weapons can you legally own without needing a licence?

What weapons can you legally own without needing a licence?

Should I take the covid Vaccine

should I take the covid vaccine

Twitter friends diet tips

help from twitter friends to lose weight

Does the covid vaccine Work?

Does the covid vaccine Work?

What to say when someone asks where is your mask

What to say when someone asks where is your mask

Healing pneumonia with raw ginger

You can heal pneumonia with raw ginger

How to stop coughing quickly and easily

This works incredibly well for chesty mucous coughs, such a simple easy fix

Make your own gymnastics training bar instructions

You can easily make this sturdy gymnastics. Buy the instructions and you will be given full step by step details, where to buy and what to buy

Daily affirmations

Every day we put up new affirmations to help people achieve their goal.

Door knocking fee - Deter all unwanted visitors to your door

Door knocking fee notice, keep unwanted visitors from your door, charge unwanted visitors for knocking on your door

Correlation doesnt equal causation

It seems to be the done thing to spout this line when it comes to vaxes. Well sometimes correlation does equal causation or at least its a place to start

The power of the mind

This simple trick shows how powerful your mind is and by focusing on what you want by eliminating all obstacles in your mind first you can achieve any goal you set your mind to achieve.

Is Transgender yet another push towards the depopulation program?

Their seems to be a massive push towards transgender these days. I'm not against it but wonder if this is part of the depopulation program. Especially in young children. It seems the norm to mutila

A miracle is on its way to you right now

A miracle is on its way to you now

What is the covid booster actually boosting?

Have you ever wondered what the booster jab does that the other jabs haven't. Well we have a comprehensive list of all the things each booster jab boosts.

What have we learnt about humanity since covid appeared.

Has humanity changed since covid appeared or were people always like this and covid just brought it to the furore.

Safe and effective, If you market something as safe and effective

Currently vax promoters are marketing covid and many other vaxes as safe and effective, is that true though

What is equity?

How do you value equity?

We will pay your council tax, VAT, Self employed tax, credit card bill, bank loan, utilities bill.

We will pay your council tax, VAT, Self employed tax, credit card bill, bank loan, utilities bill.

It's astounding how many young people have died suddenly in the last year. What could be causing it.

It's astounding how many young people have died suddenly in the last year. What could be causing it.

Safe and effective, what does that mean?

A phrase ofen bandied about with vaccines is that they are safe and effective.

Lowell debt collection agency. How to get them off your back.

Lowell debt collection agency. How to get them off your back.

Cash is legal tender, consequences of refusing cash.

Cash is legal tender, consequences of refusing cash.

The power of advertising, if you do it right

The power of advertising, if you do it right it is an investment not an ex

Recieved a text from royal mail is it a scam

Have you Recieved a text from royal mail is it a scam?

Remedy for Covid, we gathered a few useful remedies that have helped people get over covid.

If you are suffering and want to find a remedy that works these are a list of tried and tested remedies that have helped people

how to make text wrap in html table

how to make text wrap in html table, stop the table cell expanding and wrap the words instead.

What is covid?

So many people tell me they had covid, but the only way they actually know they had it was because of a dodgy test, when all that proves is they tested positive to a dodgy test.

Sponsor a dot

Sponsor a dot on our website, just £10 per page per year. You chose the pages you want to appear on.

Ebay Scam 2 - buyer marked payment as sent but an hour glass is there

Ebay Scam 2 - buyer marked payment as sent but an hour glass is there

Why are the vaccinated not actually vaccinated

Why are the vaccinated not actually vaccinated

Are cows really responsible for global warming

are cows really responsible for global warming? How long have cows been around?

your words are spells, be careful what you are casting for yourself

your words are spells, be careful what you are casting for yourself. Your self talk should always be positive and good vibes.

How to make a large check box in HTML

How to make a large check box in HTML

Adam and Eve, if they had two sons how did they populate the world and who documented their existence?

Just my musings on Adam and Eve, I like to ask questions,

I-tech phones in Staines customer review

I-tech phones in Staines customer review - find out how good these guys really are. clue 5 stars is not enough

Some things I am selling please look through thank you

Some things I am selling thank you for looking

forty five great places to leave your advertising material that will actually get read

forty five great places to leave your advertising material that will actually get read

Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange

Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange

how to choose a domain name. Best practice for choosing a domain name.

how to choose a domain name. Best practice for choosing a domain name. Use this simple guide to make the most of your domain name

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commercial or industrial electrician in Woking, guildford, Surrey London

php date format, simple php script to show todays date

Php date used to show todays date on the web page

Ross and Rachel, were they on a break?

Ross and Rachel, were they on a break?

Just for today, you get to decide what happens in your life, you are god...

Imagine just for today you are god, what will you create. Where will your path go. What would happen if you knew everything would turn out good. How would you run your day?

Heal arthritis with this super simple method. You probably have some of this in your cupboard

Heal arthritis with this super simple method. You probably have some of this in your cupboard

How to stop vomiting

There are many myths about vomiting and what you can do to stop it. Read here to find the tried and tested formuila.

How does the covid vaccine protect others

How does the covid vaccine work to protect others?

How to stop going on social media, ie facebook, twitter etc

Do you find you are constantly on social media and want to stop yourself from constantly going on it. Here is a simple trick that works a treat.

Comparing vaccines to coke

Many times people tell me that i don't need to know what is in a vaccine as I don't know what is in Coke.

Climate change is it real or made up.

Over the years we have had so many scare stories regarding the earth, is this one different

All tax is illegal

All tax is illegal because you never agreed to pay it. If you knew that you had agreed to pay all the tax and the duty and the vat: You would be saying to yourself When did I Do that

you own nothing

Nothing is owned by anyone

Giving your bank details to Trustly through ebay

Giving your bank details to Trustly through ebay

Why do people actually sell on ebay

Why do people sell on ebay, they act as judge and jury when they have no right to. Firstly they never get full information and secondly they are not in any position to decide that. Who gave them the

Ebay have no right, zero, nothing to with hold your money for any length of time ever.

Ebay do not have the right to withhold money, if they do it is classed as fraud or theft.

if the covid vaccine is safe and effective why does someone need to be around you for 15 minutes after

if the covid vaccine is safe and effective why does someone need to be around you for 15 minutes after

Parking Warden argument

Parking Warden argument

Butterfly flaps its wings

When a butterfly flaps its wings it can cause a hurricane in another part of the world.

Has ebay stolen your money?

Have you had a dispute go against you and ebay have taken your money unlawfully. Ebay have no right to take your money, they are not a judge, they have no right in law to do such a thing

Sunscreen and skin cancer

Does sunscreen really protect you from skin cancer, if so why are rates rising the more that use it?

How to save money on electricity by using a magnet

How to save money on electricity by using a magnet

This is the letter I sent to the tv license when they kept harrassing me.

This is the letter I sent to the tv license when they kept harrassing me.

If lockdown causes heart attacks...

If lockdown causes heart attacks...

How to send a postal cheque to lloyds bank plc

There are few options, you can go to post office and pay in there or send a cheque and paying slip to....

How people are losing thousands of pounds when they thought they had their details safe.

How people are losing thousands of pounds when they thought they had their details safe. Bank Scammers

Millionaire Goes Homeless To Prove Anyone Can Make $1,000,000

Millionaire Goes Homeless To Prove Anyone Can Make $1,000,000

To get a free starter from pizza express simply enter this code

To get a free starter from pizza express simply enter this code

Save the £49.99 membership fee on an annual merling pass simply click this link

Save the £49.99 membership fee on an annual merling pass simply click this link

H and M 10 percent discount code

H and M 10 percent discount code

How I stopped my craving for chocolate

God I want a choc bar so badly, Im tempted to eat the whole bar right now

How to remove look inside a book from amazon listing

How to remove look inside a book from amazon listing

We will transform any word or google docs document into a pdf sized applicable to create a amazonkdp file

We will transform any word or google docs document into a pdf sized applicable to create a amazonkdp file

WhatsApp response to Gumtree Ad is it a scam?

Someone has contacted you regarding an item you have for sale on gumtree, they have sent a link which looks genuine, should you enter your card details?

Black friday truth bomb, but people will still fall for it.

This is the truth of black Friday if only people researched.

I will bid on your ebay items to increase the price

I will bid on your ebay items to increase the price

Amount not showing in my account but has left the buyers account

Amount not showing in my account but has left the buyers account

Made to measure drawer organisers. Easy to install.

Made to measure drawer organisers. Easy to install.

Do you love your vaccine, do you trust your vaccine implicitly? If so will you take the thirty pound challenge?

Do you love your vaccine, do you trust your vaccine implicitly? If so will you take the thirty pound challenge?

How to clear any loan or credit card without paying a penny and not affecting your credit score.

We will take on your loan or credit card and clear it for you, leaving your credit score intact. No baliffs nor debt collection agencies. Totally legal and lawful.

How to deal with baliffs - don't answer don't sign, ask for id and signed warrant with court case.

If we sign their fraud we are agreeing to it. If we dont theyre committing theft. Its that simple.

Banks/credit cards don't have a viable case

Banks/credit cards don't have a viable case

Electric companies applying for a warrant and how to stop them.

How to stop the electric companies or council tax applying for a warrant to come to your home.

Acts are not laws

are acts laws?

What to say if the police have arrived with the bailiffs.

What to say if the police have arrived with the bailiffs.

how to get scammers off the phone and have some fun

how to get scammers off the phone and have some fun

How to cut your electricity bill in half for the price of a phone call.

How to cut your electricity bill in half for the price of a phone call.

If not paying council tax was unlawful....

If not paying council tax was unlawful why do they need debt collectors?

Learn Spanish as it is spoken quickly and easily.

These simple spanish lessons can easily be self taught. They are fun and easy to learn. We use memory techniques and repetition to reinforce the words into your memory.

If I owe banks money, why do they send debt collectors instead of using their legal department?

Why don't banks or credit cards just use their own legal department to take me to court if I owe them money instead of using debt collection agencies?

How to get your site listed in search engines

How to get your site listed in search engines. A few simple techniques to get your website into search engines.

How to write a good sales page

These proven methods help make a good selling page.

How to make a million pounds

Step by step how to make a million pounds

Good businesses to start with no experience

Good businesses to start with no experience

where would a two year old hide a passport..

New passport and two year old got hold of it now where would they put it. Here are some of the answers from twitter.

Here are some HTML tags that can help optimize your webpage for search engines:

Here are some HTML tags that can help optimize your webpage for search engines:

I am very rich, laminated cards to place everywhere

I am very rich, laminated cards to place everywhere

I have something to tell you

I have something to tell you

organically promote your youtube videos to boost views to over 1m followers

organically promote your youtube videos to boost views to over 1m followers

How do I monetize my YouTube short account?

How do I monetize my YouTube short account?

I will write and post 30 SEO blog posts articles monthly with images and onpage

I will write and post 30 SEO blog posts articles monthly with images and onpage

scan me for free things

scan me for free things

skyrocket ranking 1 million dofollow blog comment backlinks

skyrocket ranking 1 million dofollow blog comment backlinks

Promote your business here as often as you like

Promote your business here as often as you like

Elegant Input box css

Elegant Input box css

I will be your accountability coach with a business and psy degree

I will be your accountability coach with a business and psy degree.

The past years I coached over 80 biz leaders to reach the next level while staying happy and healthy. Now on Fiverr to meet intern

You - have credit card amount you wish to clear

We- will clear your card and your credit score.

provide automated travel affiliate websites for passive income

provide automated travel affiliate websites for passive income

I will build shopify website and store to make 10k per month

I will build shopify website and store to make 10k per month

Do you really really want more customers?

So many people think they really want more customers, but they are not willing to change what they do to get them.

If your way was working well for you, you wouldn't be reading this!

The gov't are sending a message to everyone's mobile for St George's day, if not answered functions on your phone will be restricted until you do. Here's how to stop it

The gov't are sending a message to everyone's mobile for St George's day, if not answered functions on your phone will be restricted until you do. Here's how to stop it

Buy a 5 star review online

Buy a 5 star review online

Quick and easy get your business recognised and encourage others to review your site.

Simple easy way to get out of jury service with no hassle.

Do you want to get out jury service with no hassle or having to deny. You will need to go initially but will be thrown out if you follow this advice.

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how to get out of any speeding ticket



Some things I'm selling on ebay have a look thanks

Some things I'm selling on ebay have a look thanks

The art of forgiving people

Forgiving is about removing the hurt for you, so you can move on with your life.

How to stop any interaction with any police officer immediately

This is a very simple technique that stops any interaction no matter the reason.

How to get out of paying ULEZ or similar charges

How to get out of paying ulez and not worrying about your car.

Beat the bailiffs - warrant not valid

Wow this lady officer really did do well, full respect to her for checking out the real legal issues not just taking the word of crooked bailiffs.

Beat the bailiffs

Beat the bailiffs

Your right to be removed from all debt collection and bailiffs databases.

GDPR actually allows you to be removed and all data erased.

Send the Single Letter template to anyone demanding money from you

Send the Single Letter template to anyone demanding money from you

How to remove bailiffs clamp

How to remove bailiffs clamp

The quote queen

The quote queen seems to have a knack for getting in quotes of any kind. I don't write the quotes just send them, but somehow they seem to blessed with good luck when they are sent.

Miracles Will Happen For 24 hours after reading

people that believe in miracles tend to see miracles all the time

A Beginners Guide to Fitness for Women Over 50

Embrace a healthier lifestyle with this comprehensive beginners guide to fitness for women over 50. Discover the benefits of exercise, learn how to create a balanced workout routine, and get tips on s

Hands-On Spiritual Healing

Offering free hands-on spiritual healing in and around Woking. Donations are welcome.

How to identify hot selling products on Ebay

Finding hot selling products on eBay can involve several strategies, including using eBays own tools, third-party analytics tools, and general market research techniques. Here are some steps and resou

Some things I am selling please have a look

These are a few things I am selling please have a look

Encouraging Messages from God

Find solace and encouragement through these uplifting messages from God. Perfect for those seeking spiritual reassurance and blessings in their lives.

Google ads for electricians in the UK

Power up your business with Google ads tailored for your electrical company in the UK!

Today is your day

Today is the day you have been waiting for. Everything is going to go right for you.

The Golden Eagle Pub: Southsea's Timeless Gem

Discover why The Golden Eagle Pub in Southsea stands out as one of the area's best. Explore its rich history, welcoming atmosphere, impressive selection of real ales and craft beers, delicious pub far

Personalised Coffee Bags - Whole Bean or Ground Organic Top quality coffee

Here's an enhanced version of your description: Delight the coffee lover in your life with our personalised coffee bags! Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, our custom coff

letter to write to Universal Credit if they are taking money off you for council tax arrears

Short and simple letter to write to Universal credit to stop them taking money off your benefits

Council Tax attachment of earnings removal letter

How to get your employer to remove attachment of earnings

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How to redirect to another webpage using meta refresh

Are you a commercial electrical company

Would you like a personal recommendation to every property management company in your local area?

You do not want to get better

If you truly wanted to heal you would do everything you could to do so.

I will promote your ebay sellers page

i will actively promote your ebay sellers page for 1 week

What do you need help with in your business

Business coach here to help your business grow.

lets get started need more clients - what is your service

we will help you get more clients

Just let them - the art of letting go

allow others to leave your life

The Psoriasis Coach

Sure, here's a description: As a dedicated coach specializing in helping individuals manage and clear their skin of psoriasis, I offer personalized and holistic support to achieve healthier, clea

Grow a backbone - stop paying all taxes that you can

Come on people grow a backbone and start standing up to the government.

Rioting in the streets will not solve anything. Its time to hit them where it hurts and stop paying as much as possible.

We will write to any debt collectors and get them to stop harassing you no matter who they represent.

For a small fee of just 19.99 we will write to any debt collectors on your behalf to stop any threatened action in its tracks.

No need to be scared let us handle it for you.

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mascot and logo design

Just 10 pounds per invoice, I will chase the payment of it until it is paid

I love collecting money on other peoples behalf and will happily chase any overdue invoice for you. I will keep chasing until it is paid

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How to quickly remove a ccj

Customers or leads you decide

why have lead generation when we can generate customers for you.


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